Saturday, April 9, 2011


Another disspointed week again didnt receive any call yet start from 22nd of february i had been stay at home during this period i had went to KL few times i went to Sg for few times also However i still felt bored staying at home i hope that the lucky star will come beside me and dont want to let me wait so long i am tiring for waiting and waiting again
hope next wek will be a lukcy week

pray for the coming week

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


日子一天天的过时间一分分的流 原来等待真的能把信心磨损 像燃烧的蜡烛版慢慢的流下蜡滴 眼看即将烧完的蜡烛信心也在那时候熄灭 谁能予希望哪怕是一通电话还是一封邮件 都会点燃蜡烛燃起一丝希望 等待真是煎熬